....original photography except where noted....

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

a low winter sun

a hawk cries
this low winter sun—

(i wonder if hawks pray
for the return of the light....)

with a few strong wing-beats
and supreme aerodynamic design,

the great talons let go
and glide out over snowy expanses....

(the effortless mastery
the inborn skill
the unquestioning quest
under all conditions

slay me....)

while we cower or shiver or snuggle-in
and count the days to longer light,
to hope and warmth—

in the face of our constant
human doubt—

our frantic celebrations
and incantations,

the hawk searches for food
regular as the sunrise—

surveys the ground
rides the updrafts
expends its precious energy
when necessary....

all its movements efficient
and filled with a grace
so stunning

that we stand still
and thrill to its
shrill call

from the heavens—

(a place we can never
put our bodies
on our own....)

the hawk’s daily sky-sail
implies ‘where’
not ‘if’—

this is faith:

outside of our suffering thoughts
all of nature functions in
flawless rotation....

every day
the perfect operation
of mystery....

beth anne boardman

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

the not-so-empty

butterflies hummingbirds and spiders
helped raise my children....

today i thanked them:

risen from my empty bed,
gone out of my empty house,
into my empty garden—
i stopped
under summer-sunlit gold-streaming
leafy old beings, rife with patience

(the trees, not me!)

the otherworld beckoned:

a stained-glass-molten-golden swallowtail
ribboned into my vision....

stepping further under the trees—

a web-festoon drew
across my face....

(the spider,
golden too,
arced away to safety....)

a hummingbird, wings a-haloed,
paused over the open hillside

(not feeding, not chasing a mate, not hiding)....

i felt
the constancy
of their attention,

(and of all things winged and wafted)
and i thanked them for reminding me:

the otherworld nets around us,

throughout childhood....
or day or night,
or now....

i still see them
making secret tunnels under bushes....

(the children, not the spiders.)

(well, the children and the spiders.)

i hear their gleeful chirps
in the climbing-trees....

(the hummingbirds too!)

daring each other higher,
shouting as they leap from limb to grass....

(how the webs and the wings encircled
 my anxious moments....)

the pangs of their empty spots
(on couch and floor and very own beds)
sting me....


the hummingbirds, butterflies, and spiders
still come around

like nothing has changed!

and maybe nothing has....

i live the age-old dance
of love and let go, and ‘a blessing on your journey!’

and walk from under the trees to meet the unknown

like mother after mother before me....
beth anne boardman

Saturday, August 24, 2013

...through birds and rain

i hear god through birds and rain....

when a  million green leaves rustle

under a breeze
laden with tiny droplets....

and how does birdsong echo
in this loamy rich forest?

i opened the car door
outside a filled church
and in poured this majesty:

a stirring wind
a brush of warm water
a pure clear note arcing, falling, landing
     from some high, secret place....

how could i leave?

world without end....

beth anne boardman